“If we want to be happy, we must be able to limit our needs and our desires.”
Archives (page 4 of 33)
Questa versione per solo piano di Gurenge da parte di LiSA e’ eccezionale.
What is Agon light™?
Agon light™ is a fully open-source 8-bit microcomputer and microcontroller in one small, low-cost board, built with state-of-the-art 21st-century technology. It has two claims to fame, both of which are substantiated in the next sections. In a nutshell,
Agon light™ is the fastest and cheapest 8-bit microcomputer ever made.
In addition,
Agon light™ is the world’s sole standalone, instant-on, BASIC-programmed microcontroller that dispenses with a host PC and sketch compilation.
“Shoshi” translates to “original intent”, and kantetsu translates to “to carry out”. Combined, it means to complete what was originally intended.
Andrew Huberman intervista Matthew Walker, neuroscienziato, direttore del Center for Human Sleep Science dell’Università della California a Berkeley e autore di “Perche’ dormiamo”.
Se vi interessa capire perche’ dormiamo e come ottimizzare il vostro sonno vi invito a guardare l’intervista e a comprare il libro, meritano.